Ahhhhhh, It’s 9am Wednesday morning and I’m sitting in a dark hotel room, the only light coming from my little netbook screen. My flower friends have been up for quite some time already to go shop before a big day ahead. As I type they’re on their way to Martha Stewart’s corporate offices for a private tour… and I decided to sleep in then finally update all you on what I’ve been up to here. This is going to be especially short because I’m off to go do some shopping myself!
I arrived on Sunday morning. I was lucky enough to arrive early in the day so I had some time to walk around before the hustle began. Sunday evening there was a wonderful welcome party hosted by VASESOURCE. They were VERY generous hosts! That lovely name badge you see above was compliments of Jenn at Modern Day Floral. I’m not normally a name tag kinda girl – but with so many new designers I was SO grateful to have these! We got to introduce ourselves to all the new Chapel Designers and finally see old friends in person again. Our hosts went all out – wine, tons of food (including the most delicious fruit salsa I’ve ever had), and TONS of pretty vases and flowers to peruse. We even got this really cool sample vase from VaseSource!
Can’t wait to order some fun new vases from them!
So, that’s a little recap of Day One. Stay tuned as I fill you in on all the other exciting things we’ve been up to… including spending time with some amazing designers and finding a little restaurant that only served grilled cheese… and $2 PBR’s all day long. Yup, feels just like home.